
Mr Christian Mayer, MBA (55) began his professional career with an apprenticeship as an electrician. Born in Upper Austria, he then gained experience in switchgear construction and industrial assembly abroad. He also worked for many years in MSR technology / building automation in project management and sales. He also established himself as a leader at a young age. After his studies at the University of Klagenfurt, his career led him to several well-known companies in the HVAC sector, where he worked his way up to management level.


Most recently, he was the sole managing director of Wolf Klima- und Heiztechnik GmbH in Linz, where he was responsible for around 140 employees. Mr Christian Mayer, MBA has been appointed as a further Managing Director of G. Klampfer Elektroanlagen GmbH with effect from 1 June 2022.

Christian Mayer, MBA is very much looking forward to his new task: "The company G. Klampfer and the enormous development has impressed me very much for many years. I am very happy to join the G. Klampfer team and to lead it into the future together with Michaela Klampfer!"

Mr Mayer, MBA will lead G. Klampfer Elektroanlagen GmbH together with Ms Michaela Klampfer, MBA as Managing Directors.

Michaela Klampfer, MBA, who has been with the company for more than 30 years and has contributed to its success as Managing Director for 15 of those years, is also very excited about the future: "With Christian Mayer, we have been able to win over an extremely progressive and competent, but equally prudent personality for our company. I am very much looking forward to a profitable collaboration in every respect!"